I collect old computers, and so my friends often find interesting things for my collection. My friend Paul recently gave me an old iPad 2 for my museum.
- Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools Code
- Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools Test
- Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools File
- Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools Data
The thing is, it didn’t feel very old. I still use an iPad 3 every day as my main tablet (it still works fabulously well, apart from the bloat on modern web pages, that sometimes tend to cause Safari to grind to a halt). The donated iPad 2 ran iOS 9.3.5 (very slowly), which is basically what my iPad 3 runs (iOS 9.3.6 due to last year’s GPS bug that Apple patched).
So to be a candidate for my museum I really wanted to revert it to its original state, which would have been iOS 4. But Apple don’t allow downgrades, and all installs of iOS have to be cryptographically signed by Apple.
So I set about seeing if jailbreaking the iPad would help. Apparently not – jailbreaking on its own doesn’t bypass the iOS signing.
But I found a few references to iOS 6.1.3. It seems this was the first version of iOS to allow OTA (Over The Air) updates to iOS. So Apple allowed 6.1.3 to be manually installed via USB (so that devices running earlier versions could update, and then update to the latest version over the air).
So I tried a few versions of this – first using a Windows tool (3utools) – which failed with an obscure error, and then using iTunes on a Mac (having downloaded iPad2,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw from https://ipsw.me/iPad2,1) – which revealed that Apple wouldn’t sign it any longer. That corrupted the device so I was forced to reinstall 9.3.5 using iTunes.
After installing it, open up the 3utools and connect your device, your device will ask you to trust the application, so do that. If you want to know how to downgrade iOS beta, check here. Step 3: As the device is connected to 3utools, click on the Flash & JB menu, from there click on the Jailbreak menu. UNABLE TO WRITE IBEC ERROR ON 3UTOOLS. Posted by 3 months ago. UNABLE TO WRITE IBEC ERROR ON 3UTOOLS. Good day everyone.
Doing a bit more reading, it seemed Apple had stopped signing 6.1.3 a few months ago, possibly due to a security bug in iCloud on iOS 6 that they wanted to avoid being exploited? Details were a bit vague.
Then I found some references to them still signing OTA updates to 6.1.3, just not manual updates via IPSW files. The tool Vieux promised to be able to downgrade to iOS 6.1.3 or 8.4.1. Again the description is vague, but I think it’s installing the update from the IPSW file, but persuading Apple that it’s an OTA install to fool them into signing it? I’m not exactly sure – there is never much deep technical documentation on these hacking tools – the authors seem to think everyone just wants tools that are easy to use, so don’t often explain how they work!
Vieux looked promising, but for 32bit systems like my iPad 2, it required ssh access, which requires a jailbreak!
So next, find a jailbreak for iOS 9.3.5. It seems there is only one that works: Phoenix. It’s an app that you ‘side load’ onto your device, and after each boot, you manually run it to activate the jailbreak. Any app loaded has to be signed by Apple, and there were various webpages promising versions of Phoenix already signed, but Apple revokes the certificate as soon as they find them, so they don’t last long.
The alternative is various tools that you can use to sign the app yourself. Anyone can sign their own app for development purposes, but the certificate only lasts 7 days. Or if you have a developer account (as I do), you get a year until you have to re-sign and re-install it.
Reading forums, it seemed many tools that previously did this (3utools, Cydia Impactor) no longer worked.
I did try a tool called iOS App Signer, which should have signed an app using my developer certificate for a full year of use, but I couldn’t get the signed app to install on the iPad, whatever certificate or settings I used. I gave up on that (but see below for a possible reason).
Then I found a couple of tools AltServer and AltDeploy. They seem similar. AltDeploy just signs an app with a 7 day certificate based on an iTunes account and installs it to your device. AltServer does the same, but then runs a server on your computer so your jailbroken device connects to your computer via wifi, and requests a new version before the 7 days run out.
Both of them install a rather dodgy plugin. It might make sense, but the developers don’t explain why. It’s a plugin to the Mail app on your Mac, which they say has to be installed, and Mail running, for the app signing to work (they say it’s something to do with requesting your iTunes credentials). A bit more explanation wouldn’t go amiss. I eventually allowed it access (since I don’t use Apple’s Mail app for my email anyway, so there’s nothing useful to hack there).
I then used AltDeploy to sign the Phoenix app. This also failed, but this time I got an error that I could search for (a bad app display name). It seems the Phoenix app uses extended characters in the app name (to join the o and e characters together). The app signing didn’t like that. Perhaps that’s also why iOS App Signer didn’t work? I didn’t go back to check.
Anyway, this issue suggested changing the Phoenix5.ipa filename to .zip, expanding it, opening the Payload folder, showing the package contents, editing Info.plist, changing the Bundle Display Name to remove the dodgy character, saving, re-zipping the Payload folder, and renaming back to .ipa. Then the signing worked, and I had the Phoenix jailbreak app on my iPad!
I followed the instructions to activate it, then kickstart it, then opening Cydia and installing ssh.
Next get the dependencies for Vieux:
I could then plug in the iPad via USB and downgrade:
(When prompted you have only 10 seconds to unplug the USB lead and reconnect it!)
After I did that, I had a factory-reset device running iOS 6.1.3. It seems to be stock iOS, signed by Apple with no jailbreak (although I believe there are iOS 6 jailbreaks that could be installed). But I want it nice and clean, for my museum :-)
Here’s some useful links for what I used that worked:
- AltDeploy: https://github.com/pixelomer/AltDeploy
- Tutorial for AltDeploy: https://kubadownload.com/news/altdeploy-sign-ipa-files
- Tutorial for using AltDeploy to install Phoenix: https://kubadownload.com/news/phoenix-jailbreak
- Phoenix jailbreak: https://phoenixpwn.com/
- How to fix the app name issue in Phoenix: https://github.com/pixelomer/AltDeploy/issues/56
- Vieux tool to downgrade iOS: https://github.com/MatthewPierson/Vieux
- Downloads for old versions of iOS (ignore the warnings about not being able to sign them if using Vieux for iOS 6.1.3/8.4.1/10.3.3 on compatible devices as it will take care of the signing): https://ipsw.me/
Check out that retro skeuomorphic design! It’s not quite the original iOS 4, but visually it’s almost the same, as the flat design didn’t come in till iOS 7.
And now it truly is a museum piece :-D
idevicerestore - Restore/upgrade firmware of iOS devices
Add support to 'preboard' a device on update restore to prevent 'Attempting data recovery'
Summary Of How To Fix ITunes Errors When Restore / Update
“The SHSH request couldn’t be completed”. Cannot connect to Apple Server, Cydia Server or localhost TinyUmbrella . iTunes cannot connect to gs.apple.com.
SHSH - The iPhone Wiki
Using SHSH. Older devices (iPhone and iPod touch) do not use SHSH signatures, so installation of any firmware on these devices is possible.iPhone OS 1.x and 2.x do not use SHSH signatures, and can therefore be downgraded to at any time, even on devices that do use SHSH signatures, such as iPhone 3G.. Versions above iPhone OS 3.0 require the iBEC, iBSS, and LLB to be fully signed with an SHSH ... * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
Apple Blocks Saurik's SHSH Servers [Update: No] - iClarified
Apple has reportedly blocked all of Amazon to prevent saurik's SHSH servers from accessing gs.apple.com, according to chpwn. Apple has blocked all of Amazon (where @saurik's SHSH servers are ...
tutorial|How to Backup/Download SHSH Blobs Using 3uTools?
How to backup SHSH? * Download and install the latest 3uTools on PC. Launch 3uTools and then connect your iDevice to PC using the USB cable. Click Flash & Jailbreak-> Pro Flash-> Query compatible (SHSH). * Wait patiently, 3uTools will check and backup SHSH file automatically. How to download SHSH? In fact, Apple isn’t made a full explanation of iTunes error code 3503 yet. On 3uTools, the error is “Unable to request SHSH”. And on iTunes, it is an unknown error (3503). After we tested and researched, our developer team find out that this issue may be caused by Apple server.
3uTools V2.16 Check Update | Tinh tế
1. Sửa lỗi không thể yêu cầu SHSH trong khi khôi phục. 2. Hỗ trợ nhấp nháy iPhone 8 và iPhone 8 Plus. 3. Sửa một lỗi mà iPhone 6s và 6s Plus không thể downgrad trở lại iOS 10.3.3 từ iOS 11. 1. This is caused by a failure to match the Baseband Nonce currently in memory to the Nonce returned in the Baseband Firmware SHSH blob. This is a normal part of iPhone 4 local restores via TinyUmbrella. 1
Fix iTunes Error 3194 while Downgrading iPhone Firmware
Dear pramod, i Jailbroke my IOS 4.2.1 on my iphone 3g few days ago using tethered redsnow. while i tried to restore it using itunes, the phone was unable to complete the restoration process (the status bar does not progress after half the way). i tried ur above tutorial, but the log window of the tinyumberella shows that iphone is disconnected after the start of restoration process using ...
Help & Support - Page 2 - 3uTools-Forum
3uTools-Forum. Welcome to 3uTools forum. Here you can find all information about iOS and 3uTools. Skip to content
[Question] 3uTools won't allow me to download SHSH blobs ...
First, go ahead and go to the Download link at the bottom of the reddit post, and go to the Manual folder, download and extract the zip, there should be a “Icons” folder, a “Dock.png” and a “Wallpaper.png”. Now, go ahead and make sure OpenSSH is installed in Installer, if it is not, try installing it from this PXL. When it’s jailbroken, you need iTunes to restore it. Whichever tool you’ve downloaded, doesn’t help. There’s also no need to download or save SHSH blobs. You will need an internet connection, though, this won’t work without internet. When you connect your iPhone to iTunes, restore it.
iP4S 8.4 -> 6.1.3 log - Pastebin.com
ERROR: Unable to send TSS request. ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for this device . E:Files4S 6_1_3 Downgrade Windowslibimobiledevice>idevicerestore -e custom.ip. sw. NOTE: using cached version data. Found device in DFU mode. Identified device as iPhone4,1. Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW.
How to Fix Prometheus / futurerestore Errors and ...
This issue is usually caused because software than futurerestore depends on to run is not installed on your computer. Skip step 1 if you are using a Linux machine. If you are asked for a password at any point, just type your Mac account password and press the enter key. [TSSR] User specified to request only a Baseband ticket. ERROR: Unable to get BasebandFirmware node ERROR: Unable to find required BbGoldCertId in parameters
How to Downgrade iOS 11.1.2 to 10.3.3 firmware [A7 Devices]
Therefore, you can downgrade to iOS 10 provided you have SHSH Blobs for your destination or target version. ... User specified to request only a Baseband ticket. ERROR: Unable to get BasebandFirmware node ERROR: Unable to find required BbGoldCertId in parameters
[Solved] Unable To Install iOS 13.6 Update - An Error ...
UPDATE - What's New In iOS 13.6 (July 15, 2020): Apple rolled out iOS 13.6 which adds support for digital car keys, introduces audio stories in Apple News+, and contains a new symptoms category in the Health app. The iOS 13.6 release also includes bug fixes and improvements. Digital Car Keys: Unlock, lock, and start your compatible car with your iPhone Sending TSS request attempt 1… response successfully received Found device in Normal mode Entering recovery mode… ERROR: Unable to connect to device in recovery mode ERROR: Unable to enter recovery mode [Error] Unable to place device into recovery mode from Normal mode [Error] Fail code=-2 Failed with errorcode=-2. I GET THIS ERROR
Fix iTunes Error 3503 | GSMdunya.com
On 3uTools, the error is “Unable to request SHSH”. And on iTunes, it is an unknown error (3503). After we tested and researched, our developer team find out that this issue may be caused by Apple server. As a result, users can not restore their iDevices using iTunes or earlier versions of 3uTools. For current 4.3.2 SHSH, use the latest tiny umbrella version (same instructions) (Windows) and (OSX). Watch the firmwareumbrella website for a 4.3.3 capable version and use it when you can! To do this, go to advanced, uncheck request shsh from cydia and uncheck set hosts to cydia on exit. Then restart umbrella, go to show all shsh's and save ...
SOLVED: Unable to flash iOS (Different errors on 3u and ...
Then it's highly likely there is a bad solder joint on the baseband chip. A micro solder should be able to fix it by reflow / reball. Error -1 on 3uTools may be caused by USB cable connection, network and baseband. Try to change the usb cable, confirm the network connection. Apple seeded the fourth beta of iOS 11 to developers, bringing some of the most significant changes we've seen yet in an iOS 11 beta. Check this to know what's new in iOS 11 Beta 4.. Now you can upgrade to iOS 11 Beta 4 on 3uTools.
SHSH Protocol - The iPhone Wiki
Here is a description of the protocol that is used when iTunes requests the SHSH certificate from Apple. For details about what this is used for, please see the main article SHSH.. This is a simple HTTP request and answer.You can retry this via a Telnet session or similar. The destination host is gs.apple.com and runs on the common port 80. The data is plaintext and not encoded in any way. About last question: That is if TinyUmbrella is unable to save SHSH blobs for iOS 4.3.3 due to some issues on Saurik’s server. If you click on Save SHSH button and see iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs in the main-screen of TU, there is no need to do that as you have successfully saved iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs.
ERROR: TSS request failed status=94, · Issue #27 ...
Hello everyone, I just installed idevicerestore, but I have a little problem in practice when sending the command gives me this error: Found device in Recovery mode Identified device as iPhone5,1 Latest firmware is iPhone5,1_8.1.2_12B440... SHSH blobs can be a confusing subject for our members. There is also a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation around the subject, not helped by the way differences between devices and firmware versions. This thread aims to be a 'one-stop-shop' for SHSH related facts so we can demystify the subject once and for all! Frequently Asked Questions 1.
[question] [request] odysseusOTA blobs saving error ...
ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for this device NOTE: using cached version data Found device in Normal mode Identified device as iPhone4,1 Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW Product Version: 6.1.3 Product Build: 10B329 Major: 10 Device supports Image4: false Variant: Customer Upgrade Install (IPSW) This restore will update your device without losing data. Berkeley Electronic Press Selected Works
How to Fix Error Unable to Request SHSH on 3uTools or ...
How to Fix Error Unable to Request SHSH on 3uTools or iTunes Error 3503? 1. Please click “Check Update” at the right bottom of 3uTools, and then update to the latest version of 3uTools, V2.16. 2. Then you can restore on 3uTools. Please check the network connection and USB connection before you easy ... The SHSH request couldn’t be completed. No connection to the Apple Server, Cydia Server or localhost (for TinyUmbrella. iTunes can’t connect to gs.apple.com.
#340 iDeviceRestore failes to flash IOS 7 firmware - libiphone
img3_replace_signature: ERROR: no SHSH element found to be replaced ERROR: Unable to replace IMG3 signature ERROR: Unable to get component: iBEC ERROR: Unable to send iBEC to device. ERROR: Unable to send iBEC. Any suggestion please as to how I can fix this? Thanks. John Alcock
ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for this device · Issue ...
ERROR: Unable to add img4 tags to TSS request ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for this device. and from DFU mode results in: NOTE: using cached version data Found device in DFU mode Identified device as n56ap, iPhone7,1 Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW Product Version: 9.1 Picture Manager is unable to complete your request. Le Gestionnaire de photos n' est pas en mesure de finaliser votre requête. We were unable to process this redemption code.
Tutorial| 3uTools iOS jailbreak& flash
【Fix】Unable to Get the iOS11.0.1 Update Notification Reminder? Some iOS users reported that they didn’t get the update notification reminder. This tutorial aims to show you the reasons that caused this problem and help you solve it. over 4 years ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for this device over 4 years ERROR: could not retrieve device serial number over 4 years Couldn't restore iPad 2 to iOS 9 - FDR fails.
Restore error 11/3194 | MacRumors Forums

ERROR: Unable to send TSS request ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for this device . Applejuiced macrumors Westmere. Apr 16, 2008 40,672 6,532 At the iPhone hacks section. Jul 4, 2016 #2 Put your 4s in dfu mode and restore it. You don't need tiny umbrella or any hacks or workarounds to restore an iPhone. IMPORTANT: If tiny umbrella is unable to save your SHSH then you can try iFaith or redsnow to extract your SHSH from whatever firmware you are currently on. So if your device is on 5.0.1 you can get those SHSH with iFaith or Redsnow. This currently only works for the A4 and lower devices (no 4S or iPad 2).
iPad Mini 2 failed to complete update to … - Apple Community
Apple Footer. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the ...
ผมจะ upgrade ios เป็น ios 11 แต่อัพไม่ได้!! - Pantip
ผมลองอัพ ios ผ่านโปรแกรม 3utools มันขึ้นข้อความว่า ERROR : unable to request SHSH ก่อน ...
Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools Code
SHSH Host Verify My Find My. Save APTickets in SHSH2 format for your device to later downgrade using futurerestore or similar tools. You can only save tickets for a firmware you wish to go to while it's signed by apple. ... Request APTicket ... Then click on advanced tab, check the request shsh from cydia check box, and the when connecting a device box. Make sure all other boxes are UNChecked. Then go back to general screen and click save shsh again.
Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools Test
Series 3 flash mfc error - GSM-Forum
[erro] TSS request failed (status=94, message=This device isn't eligible for the requested build.) [erro] tts>Unable to send TSS request [erro] Unable to get SHSH blobs for this device
How to Downgrade iPhone 4s from iOS 9 to iOS 6.1.3 ...
A pop-up should appear asking you if you want to use SHSH blobs. Click the Yes button to indicate that you want to continue without using SHSH blobs. Another pop-up should appear asking you to enter the ECID of your iPhone 4s (you may not see this if you already have the device plugged in).
Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools File
Fix “This device isn’t eligible for the requested build ...
This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. You’re most likely encountering one the following problems: either you are using an old version of iTunes, you are using an incorrect version of the firmware for your device, or you have gs.apple.com re-routed or blocked in your hosts file.
How to Downgrade iOS 9.3.5-10.3 to iOS 9 with ... - Tutorials
Error Unable To Write Ibec 3utools Data
If local SHSH blobs are not present, iDeviceReRestore will try to retrieve blobs from Cydia’s server. If your SHSH blob is not working, try fetching it from Cydia instead. If your device is stuck in Recovery mode (iTunes and USB cable logo), your blobs are invalid. Hence, you will not be able to downgrade. Apple released Red iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Besides, it released a red leather folio case for iPhone X. The features of red iPhone 8/8 Plus are the same as the common iPhone 8.
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